Abacus Montessori offers programming for children from 18 months of age all the way to grade 7.
Founded in 2003, we offer a Pre-Casa program (18 to 30 months old); a Casa program (2.5 to 6 years old) and an Elementary program for Grades 1 to 7. We also offer engaging optional after school programs during the school year and day camps in July and August.
All of our teachers are either registered early childhood educators and/or hold a MACTE accredited Montessori diploma. We pride ourselves on offering a curriculum that embraces core Montessori values together with the benefit of modern teaching tools. Our Montessori Elementary program includes French and aligns with Ontario curriculum as well. The development of fundamental technology skills is an important aspect of our Elementary education.
We have been approved for the federally and provincially funded Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care system.


18 months to 2.5 years old
Maria Montessori referred the period from 0 to 3 years as the Unconscious Absorbent Mind. At this stage the child’s mind is so receptive to the stimuli from the environment that they absorb new information and experiences into their minds. Providing an infant or toddler with a vast array of experiences is critical to their all-round development.
Our pre-casa classroom is a warm and inviting environment that offers toddlers a safe space to pique their curiosity, try new activities, and learn. The prepared environment at Abacus Montessori is curated to offer a seamless link between home and school by providing opportunities for the toddler to be self-reliant in their day-to-day living. This is done through practical life activities that offer opportunities to practice dressing and feeding themselves, serving food, and cleaning up – simple activities that they see their parents doing every day at home. This is a great way for a toddler to feel good about themselves. This program is designed to prepare toddlers for the next step in their learning journey.

2.5 to 6 years old
According to Maria Montessori, children aged 3 to 6 have a Conscious Absorbent Mind. At this stage, they continue to absorb everything from their environment as they did when they were toddlers, but they now primarily use their hands to learn.
Our Casa program is centered around using the sense of touch to learn complex concepts. The classroom features child-sized shelves that display specialized materials that are used progressively to learn everything from math and language to geography and life skills. Children choose their own activities and work independently or in small groups to complete them. Calmness of spirit becomes the direct result of doing an activity that is freely chosen by the child.
There are five avenues defined in the Montessori pedagogy that aid in the all-round development of every child. They are:
Exercises of Practical Life
Sensorial activities
Culture (including geography, history, botany, zoology, geology, meteorology, and music)
Every area of study comes with its own set of beautiful materials that support the natural learning process and allow for free exploration.
Elementary (Grades 1-7)

Grades 1-7
The elementary years often see an explosion of learning. The child now starts becoming aware of the world outside their own environments and begin to value empathy, compassion, and social justice more deeply. Elementary aged children are not simply making sense of the world, they are challenging what they see around them and asking questions . At Abacus, our mission is to support them in this journey.

The elementary classrooms at Abacus offer all the materials needed to offer a child-focused learning experience that covers mathematics, language arts, and social studies through Montessori’s five Great Lessons.
Coming of the Universe and Earth
Coming of Life
Coming of Human Beings
The Story of Writing
The Story of Numbers.
These lessons encompass a wide variety of subject areas such as astronomy, geology, physical and life sciences, social sciences, meteorology and the many branches of mathematics and language.

Ages 1.5 to 9 years old
Abacus Montessori offers exciting and fun day camps during the summer months. Programs are planned based on the ages and abilities of the children.
1. For children from 18 months to 2.5 years old, we offer fun activities, games, music, and movement with plenty of outdoor play.
2. For children from 3 to 5 years old, we offer a short Montessori program in the mornings alongside science and outdoor play. In the afternoons, children will explore their creative side by working on art and craft activities, music, and yoga.
3. For school age children (from 5 to 9 years old), we offer a wide variety of activities including robotics, sport, art, and science.
These programs are offered by specialists in the fields and may be subject to change and availability. Out-of-school trips enhance children’s learning and offer fun and excitement as well. These are incorporated through the school year as well as in our summer camps.